Postpartum Education

Making Postpartum Better: Postpartum Education Class

Digital Postpartum 101 Guide
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Digital Postpartum 101 Guide
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Postpartum is a beautiful yet challenging time for many mothers. In my experience as a doula, mother and friend to other moms, postpartum is not talked about nearly enough and many moms are left reeling in the aftermath of birth.

Making Postpartum Better: Postpartum Education is a small group class for expecting parents. We will explore what postpartum is and can look like both physically and mentally/emotionally, and you will learn my best practical tips for navigating and thriving in postpartum. This is a safe space to learn, ask questions, and listen to others experiences. Our focus will be more on the mother, and less on baby. It is my vision to help mothers have an awareness of what to expect during their postpartum recovery, and how to prepare for it.

In addition to a comfortable small group environment, you will receive a copy of my detailed guide to take with you that is filled with good information and my tips and tricks for a postpartum of ease. 

Partners are welcomed and encouraged to join us. Spaces are limited. 

New dates releasing soon! 

Making Postpartum Better: Postpartum Education Digital Guide

You will be postpartum for much longer than you will be pregnant or in labor, and I want you to know what to expect during this time. Whether you are a first time mom or you are expecting your third baby and hoping for a better postpartum experience, I want you to understand what you and your body are going through and why. So, my guide was born. 

Postpartum is beautiful and tender. Happy and emotional. Sweet and challenging. It might surprise you with its intensity or you may breeze right through it with ease. Neither is wrong. Both are normal- just different experiences. 

In this digital PDF guide, I have shared with you all I think you’d want to know about postpartum. I share with you information on the physical, mental and emotional aspects of postpartum and I give you a lot of practical tips for making it easier. It’s all I have learned through my own 3 postpartum journeys and in my years working with postpartum mothers. My hope is that with this information, you will feel prepared and confident as you begin motherhood. 

Having this information to learn before you actually enter postpartum, and then being able to refer back to it during postpartum will hopefully make this season easier, smoother and better. 

My intention for this guide is to shed light on the days, weeks and months after birth. Our focus here will be more on you, as a new mother and your recovery and journey, and less on baby, baby sleep or feeding. It is my passion to make sure you, as a new mother, have a greater awareness of what to expect during your postpartum recovery, so that you can be better prepared and ready to take on motherhood with patience, grace and understanding.