Postpartum Doula Services

Your baby is born and in your arms. The placenta has been birthed. You are now officially postpartum!

Birth is only the beginning of motherhood. Postpartum brings about many changes, lessons, and needs. It is a time of transition, healing, and overwhelming love. It can also be just…overwhelming, especially in our busy culture.

I help take the overwhelm away and make postpartum better for YOU.  I support you to have a postpartum that is slow and serene, with space for you to heal and learn how to confidently mother. You are deserving of a restful and peaceful postpartum with your new baby.

As a postpartum doula, I provide mother-centered postpartum care, meaning I help take care of you so you can take care of your newborn.

I believe every new mom deserves to be cared for by loving hands and by someone who knows the value of supporting a new mom. When you are nurtured and cared for, you are better able to care for and bond with your new baby and can mother from a place of patience and joy. This makes for more confident mothers and stronger mother-baby relationships.

What can this look like? I can…

  • Prepare warming, healing foods, teas and broths.

  • Help set up stations around your home to make feedings and diaper changes easier for you.

  • Hold baby or take over for a bottle feeding while you nap, shower or eat a meal.

  • Be an extra set of hands while you learn how to breastfeed.

  • Help with tricks and tips you might need for baby care.

  • Do light meal prep and light housekeeping (chop veggies, fold laundry, wash bottles, etc.).

  • Provide space for you to reset after a challenging day of new motherhood.

  • Be a listening ear for you to share your story with and talk about what you are going through.

  • Bridge the gap between your partner going back to work and you feeling ready to “mom” on your own.

  • Provide resources for local professionals for services that are out of my scope.

  • Still work in the home even if other family members are present. I work with and alongside Gramma and Auntie to fill in the gaps, without stepping on anyones toes.

  • Encourage you and support you every step of the way. I am there to give you that boost of confidence, the “YES! You just rocked that!, the “You are doing an amazing job and your baby is so lucky to have you!” and I will do the happy dance with you when you are proud of yourself!

Postpartum doulas do not:

  • Perform any clinical tasks for mom or baby.

  • Prescribe, diagnose or treat any medical problems, or interpret diagnostic procedures or lab results.

  • Make decisions for you. I will help you get the information you need to make an informed decision that is best for you and your family.

  • Take the place of your partner.

  • Act as a housekeeper.

  • Perform any tasks that require heavy lifting or heavy manual labor.

“In a culture that is fast-paced and expectant of new mothers to have a baby and continue on with their normal lives as if nothing even happened, know that you don’t have to go with the flow of everyone else. You can choose slow. You can choose to accept help. You can choose the easier, more gentle postpartum that you are craving.”

Brittney Passerell, Owner of The Mothers Circle, Labor Doula & Yoga Teacher, and Lover of Childbirth

Ready to book your postpartum support package?

My postpartum package begins at 10 daytime hours and is customizable to the needs of you and your new family.

I offer one free phone or video consultation so we can chat about your vision for postpartum and ask questions before agreements are signed. We can discuss your needs as well as the specifics of my postpartum support package.