Labor Doula Services

How you experience pregnancy, birth and postpartum matters to me.

It matters to me that you feel empowered, heard and respected.

It matters to me that your wishes for your birth experience are honored as much as possible.

As your labor doula, I will support the needs of you and your family through this special time.

I believe in birth and I believe in you.

I believe in women's bodies being able to birth babies. Our bodies are not just at the mercy of modern medicine—we were built for this. I want to help you show up and have the birth you want. When it comes to our birthing bodies and babies, we don't need to always be in sync with everyone else's plans. Sometimes, all we need is to be in tune with our own bodies and our own intuition. No matter what kind of birth you have, I will be there to encourage you, listen to you and support your choices.

What is a labor doula?

Labor doulas provide continuous support and encouragement during, and just after childbirth. The sole responsibility of the doula is to focus on your needs as you work to bring your baby earth side- to help you feel supported, safe, encouraged and educated no matter what type of birth you are having.

What does a labor doula do?

  • Helps clients understand their pregnancy and birthing options.

  • Provides emotional support, physical comfort measures, an objective viewpoint and assistance in getting you the information you need to make informed decisions.

  • Provides suggestions for comfort through labor, including labor positions, massage, breathing, relaxation techniques and other non-medical techniques. A doula provides assistance in changing positions and helping you to get comfortable.

  • Listens to your wishes for your birth experience and helps you create a birth plan.

  • Supports you and your partner in preparing for and carrying out your plans for the birth. Even if things don't go as planned, a doula is there to support you and help you feel more at ease.

  • Helps create a comfortable and nourishing environment for you to birth your baby. A doula helps you safeguard your sacred birthing space.

  • Attends to you in a loving, focused manner.

  • Maintains confidentiality.

  • Connects you with any resources you may need throughout your pregnancy and postpartum period. Resources include breastfeeding support, pelvic floor physical therapy and moms groups.

  • Takes "first photos" of you and your new family.

  • Provides practical support such as grabbing forgotten items, reminding the laboring mother to hydrate, grabbing snacks, providing support while partner steps away for a meal, and keeping family updated per clients' request.

  • Coaches partner in supporting mom in different laboring positions and comfort techniques.

  • Supports mom and baby with early skin-to-skin and breastfeeding initiation.

  • After birth, the doula provides a postpartum visit with practical support and information, resource sharing if needed, and time to debrief about the birth.

Labor doulas do not:

  • Performs clinical tasks such as exams or fetal monitoring.

  • Diagnose or give medical advice.

  • Makes decisions for the client—medical or otherwise.

  • Takes over or replace the role of the partner.

  • Catch the baby.

Ready to book your birth support package?

My birth package includes 2 prenatal visits, labor support and 1 postpartum visit. Throughout your pregnancy, and for 6 weeks after birth, I will be available to you for phone and email support.

I also include one free phone or video consultation to get know each other and ask questions before contracts are signed. We can discuss your needs, as well as the specifics of my labor doula package.